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From: dmoore_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-10-30 14:16:51

> Just curious if anyone else has
> any insight into how we can work around this.
> Bill Kempf

In an email exchange with P.J. Plaugher a couple of years back on his
Dinkumware distribution (the one used in MSVC 5 and 6), he told me
that many of his headers re-enable warnings at the bottom rather than
using a "push/pop" method for temporarily disabling things to suit a
particular header.

The net effect is that at the bottom of <map> or <list>, there is a
hardwired #pragma warning (3:4786) which resets 4786's to level 3, no
matter what you try to do.

He considered this to be a bug, he fixed this in his standalone C++
library distribution, but told me that Microsoft declined to fix this
in the version which ships with 6.0.

My personal workaround has been to do the following:

#pragma warning(disable:4786)

#include <map>
#include <string>
// etc.

#pragma warning(disable:4786)

This cuts down on the noise considerably.


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