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From: Christian (chth_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-30 19:26:02


has anyone ever written / considered to write some utility stuff for the tuples library?

actually i need:

1) find which tuple-element is derrived from a certain baseclass

        assert( find_derived< tuple< int, std::ofstream > ,std::ostream >::value == 1)
        assert( find_derived< tuple< int, std::ofstream > ,int >::value == 0)
        assert( find_derived< tuple< int, std::ofstream > ,float >::value == -1)

        note: this one is allready finished.

2) constructing a new tuple (tier?) which any element which is derrived from a certain baseclass removed

                remove_derived<std::ostream>( make_tuple(42, std::cout, 3.14) )
                == make_tuple(42, 3.14)

.. i can also imagine alot of other usefull stull .. removing by index, resorting, appending etc.

So my questions: has anyone allready done such things and want to share it?
        Are there any plans to integrate such into the main boost library?

cya Christian

(2nd post, seems my first one got lost somewhere)

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