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From: Markus Schöpflin (markus.schoepflin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-11-02 08:57:11

Hi all,

I uploaded a new version of msvc-stlport-tools.jam to the vault. It can be found at .

It now supports native IO streams and STLport IO streams. I tested it with with the following build settings and it worked for both the thread library and the regexp library without any problems. All sources were taken from CVS.

STLPORT_ROOT_4_0 ?= C:\\src\\STLport\\STLport-4.0 ;
STLPORT_ROOT_4_5 ?= C:\\src\\STLport\\STLport-4.5 ;
TOOLS = msvc-stlport ;

BUILD = debug release

I'm pretty sure it won't work without command files (it didn't work on my system) so you need the latest build system updates to use it.

Things left to do:

- Create a compiler independent STLport jam file which is able to extend any given toolset. I don't know if this is possible, though.

- Handling of other STLport versions (betas, bugfix releases) which don't affect link compatibility.

- Support for different STLport configurations (all these defines in stl_user_config.h) Handle them in the toolset or leave it to the user?


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