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From: Cliff Green (cliffg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-19 02:01:52

Hmm - I always got a little irritated when a Sprint salesperson called me
trying to get me to sign up. I definitely don't want Sprint forced on me as
a Boost user, or any other long distance telephone provider, for that

On the other hand, Spirit is definitely worthwhile ...

(Said with very big smiley ... which I think the discussion needs.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Beman Dawes [mailto:bdawes_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 1:10 PM
To: boost_at_[hidden]; boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: Re: [boost] Re: Any interest for a parser class?

I'd personally rather see the effort now going into this discussion go
instead into finishing Sprint and submitting it to Boost for formal review.

It seems a distraction from the main show to spend so much time discussing
one possible use. It is clear that Sprint is of great interest to many
Boosters. And interesting to hear from those who think it's inappropriate
for some uses, and why.

But let's think about moving on now. Once a release version has been
available for awhile, we can ask users what they use it for and why or why
not. But if someone doesn't like Sprint for some particular use, we aren't
going to make them use it against their will.

Worry about those of us who do want to use Sprint, not those of us who


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