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From: Schoenborn, Oliver (oliver.schoenborn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-23 10:20:34

> --- In boost_at_y..., Vladimir Prus <ghost_at_c...> wrote:
> >
> > I think that in order to make progress with command line parsing
library, Iit
> > would be usefull to discuss possible syntaxes and possible clashes
> > them. I've written some initial implementation of the parsing proper
which is
> > available at: Line
> > Parsing/cmdline.cpp
> >
> I'm not clear on the need to distinguish between long and short
> option names. What I would have is a 'minimum abbreviation length'
> setting, whereby you must have at least x unambiguous letters of the
> option name for it to be recognised.

Sorry if this has already been explicitly ruled out, but is there a reason
for not distinguishing between long and short arguments by using - for short
and -- for long? This is easy to remember and might simplify the rules for
the user too. So if you see, say,

progName -v2rbt -er --elf --noog

you would immediately know, even just by looking, that only elf and noog are
long args, whereas 'er' is either two shorts or one short with a parameter
r, etc.


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