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From: Toon Knapen (toon.knapen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-25 07:27:22

David Abrahams wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Toon Knapen" <toon.knapen_at_[hidden]>
> To: <boost_at_[hidden]>
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 7:04 AM
> Subject: [boost] boost-base.jam patch
>>I could'nt compile anymore using the CVS head of Tried it
>>on boost.python also and also that failed, even after recompiling my jam
>>from jam_src. Seems the problem is that in boost-base.jam frequently a
>>'local' is defined in the for loop definition.
>>Below is a patch which cures this problem (or is due to some problem in
>>my jam, don't think so ; can handle this situation normally)
>>Dave, if it's indeed an error in boost-base and you want me to apply the
>>patch, let me know.
> Toon, are you getting parsing errors from Jam? If so, you're not using
> Boost.Jam: defining a local in a for loop is a feature I added to Boost.Jam
> long ago.

oops. I figured it was an added feature and I'm not sure why I
experienced the problem now (I update my boost at least every week). So
I installed a fresh compile of jam and it works. I do have to add the
BOOST_ROOT command-line option to make it work whereas previously this
was not necessary ?

Anyway, I'll start to make precompiled jams for the unix platforms now.

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