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From: vesa_karvonen (vesa_karvonen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-06 11:15:28

--- In boost_at_y..., "Brey, Edward D" <EdwardDBrey_at_e...> wrote:
>From: vesa_karvonen [mailto:vesa_karvonen_at_h...]
>>Nearly instantaneous feedback is *the key* to higher productivity
>>and faster learning.
>> Try it, you'll love it!
>An excellent argument for maximizing the user of the pch. With so
>many recompilations, incremental overhead really adds up.

Not really. After a couple of quick compile/test cycles I move to the
next task while you are still recompiling the entire project. I
refactor code quickly as I don't have to fear changing anything I
want to change to make the system simpler.

>Would you avoid putting files that change once a month into a pch?

Probably not. It depends on how frequently those files are needed.

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