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From: hugo_duncan (hugo.duncan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-08 13:25:48

weak_ptr looks to be very useful, but I am having problems compiling operator-> and operator* on bcc32.

The following code does not compile

#include "boost/weak_ptr.hpp"
#include <cassert>

class X
  int a;

void weak_ptr_test()
  boost::shared_ptr<X> x;
  boost::weak_ptr<X> y(x);

The error messages are:

Error E2451 c:\usr\boost\boost/weak_ptr.hpp 120: Undefined symbol 'T' in function weak_ptr<X>::operator ->() const
Error E2451 c:\usr\boost\boost/weak_ptr.hpp 120: Undefined symbol 'p' in function weak_ptr<X>::operator ->() const
Error E2451 c:\usr\boost\boost/weak_ptr.hpp 113: Undefined symbol 'T' in function weak_ptr<X>::operator *() const
Error E2451 c:\usr\boost\boost/weak_ptr.hpp 113: Undefined symbol 'p' in function weak_ptr<X>::operator *() const
*** 4 errors in Compile ***

I don't see anything wrong with the code. get() does however work, and could be used as a workaround?


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