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From: mfdylan (dylan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-15 00:16:58

--- In boost_at_y..., "davlet_panech" <davlet_panech_at_y...> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any interest in a filename parser library?
There has been a discussion about it recently if you search back
through the archives.
I started writing one more or less modelled on POSIX basename and
dirname, with an additional 'suffix' call.
There's a couple of things it doesn't handle yet, like joining a
directory name to a filename (ie, what delimiters to put in between)
and making absolute and relative versions of pathnames.
Dealing with various platform differences is perhaps the main
challenge: for a start I need to be able to construct and parse
pathnames for multiple OS's regardless of the currently running OS
(example: I send commands to unix machines from NT and need to
manipulate pathnames in the command lines).
Things like case-sensitivity are almost impossible to deal with
effectively, as under NT at least, you can have both case-insensitive
and case-sensitive filenames.
This means code like

if (pname.suffix() == ".cpp")

which I support by having suffix return a new pathname object and
overloading 'operator==' becomes awkward to write well. For the time
being I use a set of traits, with the default being platform
specific, such that win32_traits::ignore_case() returns true.

Anyway, read the previous articles, there are quite a few awkward
decisions you have to make in any design for this sort of thing.


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