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From: Emily Winch (emily_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-18 03:57:28

Herb Sutter wrote:

> Pardon if this has already been discussed on the list, but I'd like your
> feedback on this question: "What are the most needed or desired features
> C++ for modern library writing in general and Boost in particular?"
> Two usual suspects:
> - typedef templates
> - typeof (with gcc semantics?)
> What else should be on the list? For example, is there language support
> would assist type traits?

"Auto" for type deduction.

template<typename T, int I>
auto foo(); // return type depends on T and I

auto bar = foo<int, 4>();

Writing complex template code is unpleasant without it - you have to write
almost duplicate code: one function to calculate the return type, one to
calculate the return value. Using the code is also more complicated than it
needs to be, since to declare a variable to hold the return value you have
to look up the name of the function that calculates the return type.

get_foo_return_type<int, 4>::type bar = foo<int 4>(); // yuk


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