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From: Kevin S. Van Horn (kevin.vanhorn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-18 10:21:47

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Herb Sutter wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Pardon if this has already been discussed on the list, but I'd like your
> feedback on this question: "What are the most needed or desired features in
> C++ for modern library writing in general and Boost in particular?"

This one isn't for library *writing* but for more effective library *use*:
something similar to lambda expressions for function objects. A lot of
times it would be nice to call one of the generic algorithms in the
standard library instead of writing a for loop, but the overhead of
defining a function-object class is too high, and such a class can't be
defined within a function body. Writing function-object classes is
especially awkward if they need to reference or operate on several local
variables, as then the function object requires data members that store
values or references for all of these, you have to write a constructor to
initialize these data members, etc.

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