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From: Hamish Mackenzie (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-18 14:01:13

On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 17:37, dietmar_kuehl wrote:
> Since everybody is tossing out ideas and these discussions tend to go
> out of hand when everybody emits his/her pet feature(s), I think
> everybody writing about new features is implicitly volunteering to
> write down proposals on the corresponding language features :-) That
> is, a full analysis on how the feature is supposed to look like, what
> problems it would solve, how it interacts with other features in the
> language, the impact on existing code, wording for the sections to be
> changed or added to the standard, etc. Just tossing out ideas and
> hoping that someone else will do the work seems a little bit
> optimistic... (since most of the issues I brought up were mentioned
> before, I think I'm only volunteering for the cv-qualifier
> templates :-)

Thats a good idea, but by suggesting this are you not implicitly
volunteering to be editor/co-ordinator as well :-)

I think I have implicitly volunteered for
* Recursive types
* Use of constants as types
* Mutable temporaries
* Compile time meta data
* Catch using a function

London contract market is quiet right now, so I have time to have a go
at writing up one, but I will need help writing standardese.

Which one should I do?
Is there a template or examples we can start from?

Hamish Mackenzie

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