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From: Carl Daniel (cpdaniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 11:58:40

From: "Daniel Frey" <daniel.frey_at_[hidden]>

> In case you can't give the brower itself away: Can you read all messages
> using it and pass the messages to David?

I'm looking into that too - there's a bit over 25,500 messages, I'm estimating 40Mb or so downloaded size (not including
all the HTML junk that Yahoo adds). I have a reasonably fast Internet connection, so I expect I could get them pulled
down in a few days at most. The pages are formatted such that the message content itself is easily identified, so I
could save out only that content. The thread information would be easily captured as well, perhaps saving the messages
as XML along with tags for their replies would be a sensible choice.

Once downloaded, I could ZIP the whole thing up & push it to an FTP server somewhere.

Thoughts? Dave?


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