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From: Gary Powell (powellg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 12:21:38

Yet one more thing,
I'd like to be able to save/get the function address of a constructor. This
is used in Lambda for constructing things like exception objects. At the
moment we've wrapped the call to the constructor in a specialized template.

I realize that there are a host of problems identifying which constructor is

class Foo {


      template<class T>
      Foo(T &);

  What I want to be able to do is call bind with the constructor

      bind (Foo::Foo(int), _1);

      bind (Foo::Foo );

      bind (template<class T>Foo::Foo(T&), _1);

But the parsing is horrible. Does the above call the constructor or is it an
identifier? Time for another key word??

I'll withdraw this request if we get anonymous functions. (Although it may
be needed elsewhere.)


powellg a t amazon d o t com

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