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From: bill_kempf (williamkempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 13:23:14

--- In boost_at_y..., Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_a...> wrote:
> At 11:29 AM 2/19/2002, bill_kempf wrote:
> >> Might be worth a new predefined macro. _DLL_TARGET or similar.
> >>
> >> Anything a compiler implementor can do that allows better error
> >detection
> >> is a win for users, and cuts support costs too.
> >
> >The only problem is that, as someone else pointed out, this is a
> >linker concept not a compiler concept. I'm not sure the compiler
> >can determine that the target will be a DLL.
> At least when using the IDE, the distinction seems somewhat
artificial. The
> IDE knows, so can pass the information on to whichever component
needs it.

True, though not everyone uses an IDE, so even if we got all the
Win32 IDEs to do this it would be only a partial solution.

> Likewise, building with Jam there is knowledge at a higher level of
> the target is, so information could be passed to a compiler.

If they use Jam I'd expect they'd use the provided Jamfile(s) so that
there'd be no need for detection. The problem comes up frequently
because people, for what ever reason, build the libraries with their
own build system instead of employing the Jam build system that's

At this point I think the only "solution" is to complete the build
specification documentation that's on my todo list.

Bill Kempf

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