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From: Gary Powell (powellg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 19:00:27

I'm actually still trying to get my head around operator+ invoking
operator+ on its own operands, which looks infinitely recursive, so I'm sure
don't yet understand the problem and I want to be educated. Thanks,

My bad. Sorry to confuse the issue Herb.

  I should have used the "apply" function name
that we actually use. (Comes from trying to
work and monitor this list at the same time.)


  template<typename A, typename B>
  typeof(A + B) apply(A &a, B &b)
  { return a + b; }


  auto apply(A &a, B &b)
  { return a + b; }

would work.

I prefer the "auto" version as I won't make mistakes
duplicating the expression. (In this case the expressions
are simple so its no problem.)

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