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From: helmut_zeisel (helmut.zeisel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-20 04:22:24

--- In boost_at_y..., "Herb Sutter" <hsutter_at_a...> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Pardon if this has already been discussed on the list, but I'd like
> feedback on this question: "What are the most needed or desired
features in
> C++ for modern library writing
> ...
> What else should be on the list?

When writing some template <typename T> class
that should work for built-in and user defined types,
I have to use free functions f(T t);
I cannot write t.f().

This makes name resolution more difficult for the
compiler and forces me to use traits.

If the compiler tries to change t.f([other args]) to
f(t,[other args]) when it cannot find a proper matching t.f(),
much less free functions will be needed.

Wouldn't also be the std::swap problem

be solved ,
when i.swap(j) were defined as swap(i,j)
for built-in types?

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