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From: mfdylan (dylan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-21 20:22:32

--- In boost_at_y..., "davlet_panech" <davlet_panech_at_y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any any interest in a runtime_error subclass constructible
> from an errno value, such that the description returned by `what()'
> is created using a call to strerror()? I think such class could be
> useful for at least some of the existing boost libraries, such as
> Boost.Threads, or the Socket library (which doesn't exist yet, but
> still):

Of limited use under PC (and probably MAC). The socket errors don't
map to errno under PC, and for the functions that do, the
descriptions are often not entirely accurate, are English only, and
often better error information is available from the OS itself (via
Error handling really needs to be done properly to unify various OS's
own error support.

It would certainly be useful as part of a set of C++ class wrappers
for use with POSIX only, but I don't think it has a place in boost.


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