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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-22 17:20:29

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ross Smith" <r-smith_at_[hidden]>
> I guess that finally makes it explicit. Boost is aimed purely at closed
> source developers, and the powers that be have no plans to make it
> usable with open source.

How did you reach that conclusion? My livelihood at the moment depends
entirely on Boost.Python, which is an open source project. I'm certainly
committed that boost is a usable open-source product.

I don't know what you mean by "the powers that be". Work gets done here
almost entirely on a volunteer basis. The power's in your hands as much as
anyone else's.

The tone of recent posts complaining about the build system has become
needlessly aggressive and unproductive. Once again, the build system is in
transition, and nobody's particularly happy about the status quo. It doesn't
install as smoothly as we'd like. The documentation needs some work. It
doesn't solve deployment problems (yet) that some would like to see
addressed. The Boost.Build team is working on some of the issues for V2;
that's our contribution. Pointing out that the situation isn't ideal (I am
taking the most charitable view of this post, her) isn't helpful, because
everyone knows that.

Please either make a constructive contribution yourself or back off about


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