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From: Ross Smith (r-smith_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-23 01:16:49

"David B. Held" wrote:
> I don't have to distribute Boost headers or libraries, so I don't
> feel the pain of an undeveloped installation process. But
> I've seen just a few arguments against Jam repeated about
> forty times, and I think we've heard just about everything that
> can be said on the subject. If I had a need for autoconf, I
> would certainly try to produce autoconf setups for the libraries
> of interest, and ask help from the authors when their cooperation
> is needed. Why can't you do that?

Because, after examining the matter carefully, I've come to the
conclusion that duplicating the functionality of the parts of Boost I
find useful in my own code is a more efficient use of my time than
trying to make Boost usable.

Ross Smith ...................................... Auckland, New Zealand
r-smith_at_[hidden] .........................
  "We need a new cosmology. New gods. New sacraments. Another drink."
                                                       -- Patti Smith

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