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From: rameysb (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-23 18:40:11

I am currently putting the finishing touches on a library I hope to
submit to

I studying the other boost libraries it seems that all the library
user callable funcations are added to the namepace boost while
private functions are added to namespace boost::detail

How does one know that the names he chooses don't collide with any
others used in the library? Must one check the whole library? If
one wants to use a common name such as "save" are subsquent library
builders bared from using it on penalty of creating a collision?

Suppose I am creating a library for object serialization
called "serialize" Would it not be convenient to use

namespace serialize for public interfaces and
namespace serialize::detail for private ones.

users would then do one of the following:



using namespace boost::serialize;


Am I missing something obvious here? Has this question come up
before and be resolved to the current system - if so what is
the rational.

Robert Ramey

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at