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From: rameysb (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-27 11:45:47

--- In boost_at_y..., Ihsan Ali Al Darhi <iad929_at_j...> wrote:
> > I have just uploaded my proposal for a boost library to address
> > saving and restoring of C++ objects. I refer to this as
> > serialization.
> I appreciate your efforts on such a topic. But I have a question.
Why not
> use an object-database (Like ObjectStore, Orient, Forte, etc) to
store the
> C++ objects?
> Mo

I believe that the object persistence you are refering to is a
completely different issue.

The package makes no presumption about the existene of any other
package. That is, it does not need an object database to function.
There are lots of data sets for which we just want a file - not a
database. Examples would be a word processing document or CAD
drawing. No one would want to have to install a database just to use
these programs.

It was with this issue in mind that I prefered the term serialization
to object persistence. The later has been used to describe the
systems you have referred to as well as serialization schemes similar
to those presented here.

Robert Ramey

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