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From: dmoore99atwork (dmoore_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-27 13:55:43

--- In boost_at_y..., Iain.Hanson_at_u... wrote:
> The following is the interface for a unicast address in psudo
> I'm not that enamoured by the names of the mutator and
> methods so if anyone has better suggestions they would be
welcome. I'd
> appreciate comments, is this interface complete ? is it too
fat? etc.

If you need it to interoperate with the "C" sockets API, you need
something along the lines of

operator const sockaddr *() const;
operator const protocol_address_representation *() const;

size_t length() const;

You *may* also want to provide mutator and accessor access to the
address family member of the structure, although if I recall from
your earlier posts, that would be a template parameter to the class
in your design, right?


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