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From: Rene Rivera (grafik666_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-28 12:15:56

On 2002-02-28 at 10:06 AM, root_at_[hidden] (Rainer Deyke) wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Rene Rivera" <grafik666_at_[hidden]>
>To: <boost_at_[hidden]>
>Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 9:10 AM
>Subject: Re: Installing Boost (WAS: Re: [boost] Re: Why Jam?)
>> $prefix/include/boost/1.27.0/boost/.../*.hpp
>> $prefix/lib/boost/1.27.0/*.(a,so)
>> $prefix/share/boost/1.27.0/tools/build/*.jam
>That seems unnecessarily complex. My preference is this:
>$prefix/boost_1_27_0/boost/.../*.hpp for headers
>$prefix/boost_1_27_0/lib for compiled libraries
>$prefix/boost_1_27_0/tools/build/*.jam for jam files
>In my case $prefix is 'c:\lib'.
>I like to keep separate versions in completely separate directories so
>that they are easier to move/copy/delete independently.

That "works" for Windows but not Unix type platforms. The problem is that it
should be possible to specify the following common PREFIX values:


And, as those show, you can define the prefix such that the whole thing is
place in a single directory. In your example you would set PREFIX =

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera_at_[hidden] - grafik_at_[hidden]
-- 102708583_at_icq - Grafik666_at_AIM - Grafik_at_[hidden]

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