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From: Jaakko Jarvi (jajarvi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-08 14:20:31

> This reminds me... Are the helper function object adaptors in Lambda tied to
> the rest of the library?

The results of
unlambda and break_const for instance inherit from a lambda_functor, or
store one as a member, and contain some type deduction code, so
they are somewhat tied to the library.

make_const is trivial to move anywhere.

/ Jaakko

We should probably make a mini-library from them
> since they are useful on their own and help with Bind, too. (I'm talking
> about apply, unlambda, break_const, make_const, protect, make_adaptable (in
> boost/bind/make_adaptable.hpp), and so on.)

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