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From: vesa_karvonen (vesa_karvonen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-10 03:21:40

--- In boost_at_y..., Aleksey Gurtovoy <alexy_at_m...> wrote:
> Since it's unlikely that this is the last time we have to increment
> the version here

I sincerely hope that we wouldn't have to keep incrementing it.
However, having observed the progress of compiler quality for a
couple of years, I suppose you are right.

> "boost/preprocessor/config.hpp" header (which I created for this
> sole purpose), but, on second thought, moving it to
> "boost/config/compiler/metrowerks.hpp" (and documenting as a part of
> Boost.Config) might be a better idea (I can imagine that MPL might
> need it as well).

I think that preprocessor bugs should go into the Boost.Config
library. This has been discussed before. The problem is that I
haven't had the extra time to create and submit the stuff required
for Boost.Config. And, of course, since there was no pressing reason
to do so, I delayed it...

> If everybody (and especially Vesa) is okay with the refactoring, I
> am going to check it in.

I'll remove the version number test from the #if lines as an
immediate "fix". This should only take a minute or two. I'll then
construct and submit tests to reveal the bugs for Boost.Config.

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