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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-11 09:16:47

From: "Roland Weiss" <weissr_at_[hidden]>
> Dear Boosters,
> recently I upgraded my boost library to version 1.27.0. Unfortunately,
> using shared_ptr no longer works. My configuration is as follows:
> Comeau, Linux, libcomo (SGI STL derived)
> The problem is as follows: shared_ptr on Linux includes the file
> "/usr/include/asm/atomic.h", but this file fails being processed
> correctly by the como compiler:
> any help appreciated,


You have two options:

* If your program doesn't use threads, #define BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS to
disable thread safety;

* Otherwise, modify boost/detail/atomic_count.hpp to not use the
Linux-specific version by changing the line

#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)


#elif defined(BOOST_USE_ASM_ATOMIC_H)

This problem will be addressed in the next release; it turns out that
<asm/atomic.h> is a kernel header and user programs aren't supposed to use
it anyway.

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