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From: Brian W. Barrett (brbarret_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-19 16:52:25

Hello -

It appears that some of you are a little less than happy about the recent
move from Yahoo! groups to MailMan. I can understand the problems
associated with suddenly getting tons of mail from boost - I had forgotten
I was subscribed from our testing period and suddenly got entirely too
much e-mail :).

It is unfortunate that we were unable to keep the "no-mail" setting from
the Yahoo! list. Yahoo! does not have a way to get a list of people with
that option and it would have been extremely time-consuming for us to
import those people (we would have needed to set each one individually).
We did what we thought was right and what has been "standard practice" for
every mailing list move I have ever seen.

If you wish to unsubscribe (or just set your status to "no mail"), it is
quite simple to do. Simply go to

scroll down to the bottom, and enter the e-mail address you are subscribed
under - which will be the e-mail address you were using while boost was
hosted at Yahoo!. Clicking the "Edit Options" button will take you to a
screen where you can edit all your list settings, including the ability to

If you don't know your password (which most of you won't), you can click
on the "E-mail me my password" option, which will mail you the password
for that e-mail address. I understand that there may be some problems
with the password e-mail feature. Currently, sendmail is a little backed
up because of the recent surge in mail from the boost list. The password
should arrive within a couple minutes.

If you still have trouble unsubscribing, please do not post to the list -
that simply increases the volume of mail and those that read the list are
not necessarily those that can help you. Instead, send an e-mail to
"boost-admin_at_[hidden]". It would be helpful to keep the message as
short as possible, but please include a list of the possible e-mail
addresses you would be subscibed as. This will greatly help the list
admins deal with the problem.

Thank you for your time,


  Brian Barrett
  Graduate Student, Open Systems Lab, Indiana University

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at