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From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (agurtovoy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-22 14:36:51

Daniel Frey wrote:
> The problem is a semantic one: Do I really want to use all of the
> operators as they are defined by operators<>? Sometimes, you
> might want lots of them, but replace a special one with a
> user-supplied version (to provide an optimized version for special
> operators or when mixing types). But generally, I think we're on
> the right way. For member-functions (member-operators), you can
> write your own version in the derived class, it's only a problem for
> the friend-operators, as you cannot override them.

How about this:

template< typename T >
struct operators
    T& self() { return static_cast<T&>(*this); }
    T const& self() const { return static_cast<T const&>(*this); }

    template<typename U> static T do_add(T x, U const& y) { return x += y; }

    // ...
    T operator+(T const& other) { return T(self()) += other; }

    // ...
    template<typename U> friend T operator+(T& x, U const& y) { return
x.do_add(x,y); }
    template<typename U> friend T operator+(U const& y, T& x) { return
x.do_add(x,y); }

template< typename T >
class my
    : public operators< my<T> > // note public inheritance
    typedef operators< my<T> > ops;

    using ops::operator+;
    // ...
    my& operator+=(my const&);

 private: friend class operators< my<T> >;
    static my do_add(my const& x, int y); // optimized implementation

int main()
    my<int> m1;
    m1 + 5;
    5 + m1;

    return 0;


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