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From: Jason Shirk (jasonsh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-24 16:26:59

> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Kempf [mailto:williamkempf_at_[hidden]]
> >
> >I doubt they're quite as close to release as you make out. They only
> >just released 7.0 and people are not likely to adopt a near-complete
> >rewrite like 7.1 on short notice.
> I'm not totally sure this is true. MS used to release a new VC++
> quarter (granted, changes to the compiler were usually fairly minimal,
> they *did* make compiler changes) and I think most of the VC++ users
> *love* to see MS go back to this sort of release strategy. Hint,
> Jason ;).

I wasn't working for MS during the subscription era, but nobody here has
anything good to say about it and I can certainly see why. In some
ways, we have that model internally. It is less than ideal.

> Further, VS.Net is such a new technology that I'm unsure that many
> C++" developers are switching that fast. It's quite possible that a
> large portion of VC++ user base could skip 7.0 entirely and move
> to
> 7.1 if it were released quickly.

Entirely possible, we'll just have to wait and see.

Jason Shirk
VC++ Compiler Team

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