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From: joel de guzman (djowel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-25 05:57:03

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vesa Karvonen" :

> From: "joel de guzman"
> >With Phoenix, implementation wise, not a single macro was used.
> How did you implement the library? Are you using an external generator, or
> did you just type everything using a text editor?

Hi Vesa,

You won't believe me or say I'm nuts if I say that it's all hand coded :-) At the
prototype stage, I started with 5. When everything was working fine, it was
bumped to 15 with #ifs in increments of 3.

I thought about using a perl script or some generator. This would have been
the practical choice. But I was lazy. Considering that code layout is of prime
importance to me (I adhere to layout religiously), it would have taken me longer
to take into account 80 char column widths, indentations to make it look nice
and so on. Perhaps next time, I'll use a generator and a C++ code beautifier.
Another way is to use Boost PP, preprocess the code and run it through a
C++ code beautifier.

Vesa, I know that Boost's PP is such an excelent piece of engineering.
I guess I am just at the other extreme and I really do have a total dislike for
macros. I honestly thought at first that PP is an excelent idea, then I was
disapointed when it came to debugging the compiler generated error messages.
I feel more comfortable reading straight C++ code. I'll definitely have more
uses for it, albeit indirectly like the way I described above.


PS> Now, is there a modern C++ savvy code beautifier ot there?

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