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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-26 10:07:32

On the basis of seeing that the LL authors appear to be actively looking
at other entries in the field and seem to be open to suggestion, I vote
to accept the library.

To recap the things I'd like to see happening:

1. I am convinced by arguments from Peter (and others) about arity
handling; I'd really like to see that changed.
2. I hope that Joel, Gary, and Jaako will continue to cooperate, and
that some of the syntactic advances of Phoenix will make it into LL
3. I hope that someone with the energy and expertise to make LL work
with vc6 will step up to the task. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that
the guy who did that for Phoenix will be all that interested, since he
surely has a tool which serve his needs at this point.
4. I would be really worried if by the time Spirit is submitted to boost
we end up with bind, LL, and Phoenix, all separate. I would very much
like to see a single solution in the long run and I hope that all
parties will focus energy on making that happen. This looks like perhaps
the most difficult of all the points.


                  David Abrahams
      C++ Booster ( O__ ==
      Pythonista ( c/ /'_ ==
  resume: (*) \(*) ==
          email: david.abrahams_at_[hidden]

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