Boost : |
From: Matthew Wilson (MWilson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-05-15 22:01:38
Understood. FYI, I had simply downloaded from the site, and compiled, without any prior examination or manipulation of the code.
Thanks for the feedback.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Siek [mailto:jsiek_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Thursday, 16 May 2002 12:34 PM
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: RE: [boost] minmax library proposal
Hi Matthew,
On Thu, 16 May 2002, Matthew Wilson wrote:
MWilso> Jeremy
Actually, this should be addressed to Herve (the author of the library),
but I'll answer anyways :)
MWilso> Compiling with CV6 gives the following:
MWilso> Does your library require a better STL such as STLport, or
MWilso> is it intended to work with the stl implementation shipped
MWilso> with VC6?
Judging from the error messages, Herve is using std::iterator_traits on
the iterator template parameter. You are passing in a pointer, and the
VC++ iterator_traits doesn't work for pointers. The reason is that for
iterator_traits to work for pointers, VC++ would have to support partial
specialization. Luckily, the upcoming version of VC++ will fix this. Also,
there may be a way for Herve to avoid using iterator_traits, perhaps by
using the old iterator_category() workaround function.
Jeremy Siek http://php.indiana.edu/~jsiek/
Ph.D. Student, Indiana Univ. B'ton email: jsiek_at_[hidden]
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