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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-01 14:54:22

At 03:08 PM 9/1/2002, David Abrahams wrote:

>> The real question is the sandbox. If developers happen to be using the
>> sandbox CVS for collaboration, as is the case with Interval, do they
>> to branch the sandbox files, or can they continue making changes in the
>> main trunk?
>IMO the sandbox state should not have to be constrained by the state of
>files section archive. Isn't unrestricted access and experimentation
>without affecting the formal boost processes the whole point of the

Yes, I think so too. So the answer to the Interval folks is that they can
continue to use the sandbox main trunk, and, yes, a tag might be helpful.


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