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From: Philippe A. Bouchard (philippeb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-03 12:53:58

Larry Evans wrote:


> parent. This leaves
> the non-zero rc pointers only on stack. These are then traced to find
> the live rc pointers.
> The rest are collected. Hence, the time taken would be comparable to
> that taken by
> a regular conservative GC. The only difference it the method to
> enumerate the rc pointers
> on the stack.

What about implementing some exception when get_count() == 2. Given:
bool is_on_data(void * p); // Confirm p is address on data segment
bool is_on_stack(void * p); // Confirm p is address on stack segment
bool is_on_heap(void * p); // Confirm p is address on heap segment

struct placed_ptr_header
        int m_count;
        void * m_owner; // Could point to stacked candidate for destruction

        if (is_on_stack(this))
                get_owner() = this;

        if (m_ptr)
                -- get_count();

                if (get_count() == 0)
                        free(m_ptr - ...);
                else if (get_count() == 1 && get_owner() == this)
                        free(m_ptr - ...);

This is highly simplified and I'm not sure where this will lead to yet.

Philippe A. Bouchard

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