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From: Rene Rivera (grafik666_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-25 11:12:10

[2002-09-25] John Maddock wrote:

>Have the recent changes to status/Jamfile broken it somehow?
>On cygwin I'm seeing:
>/cygdrive/d/boost/develop/boost/status,$?$ bjam test
>features.jam: No such file or directory

That error might shed some light... It should always find that file! Could
you check to make sure your boost/tools/build directory is complete.

>/cygdrive/d/boost/develop/boost/tools/build/boost-base.jam:1443: in
>*** argument error
>* rule split-target-subvariant ( target-var properties-var toolset-var
>variant-var : subvariant )
>* called with: ( sv-target sv-properties sv-toolset sv-variant :
>type>LIB|gcc|debug )
>* extra argument

That looks like it's interpreting "<sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT)" as meaning...


Which is very confusing, because I can't see how that can happen. It doesn't
happen for me in Linux nor Windows. Anybody else encountering this problem?
Dave you have cygwin do you see this problem?

>and on linux it's complaining that file
>"<borland><*><cxxflags>-w-8026 -w-8027 -w-8057 -w-8084 -w-8092" doesn't
>exist and it doesn't know how to build it !

Even stranger :-\

Which version of bjam are you using? "bjam -v"

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera_at_[hidden] - grafik_at_[hidden]
-- 102708583_at_icq - Grafik666_at_AIM - Grafik_at_[hidden]

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