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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-07 20:34:01

At 02:37 PM 9/29/2002, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
>> Gennadiy,
>> please see the following message on why its a major hassle to link to a
>> boost library. Maybe you'll believe Volodya if you don't believe me.
>> news://
>> (In case the link doesn't work, it's a discussion on the boost build
>> list titled "Linking boost libs from external project with jam", dated
>> 11.07.2002.)
>> Markus
>Ok. I could make this change. Is it Ok to change RC branch?. Does anybody
>running regression tests, cause I will need to change status/Jamfile and
>all other Jamfiles affected.

I'm going to start running RC regression tests Tuesday (tomorrow) morning,
but we are within two or three days of final release so please only make RC
changes you have very high confidence in.


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