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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-25 14:32:44

At 04:28 PM 1/24/2003, Peter Dimov wrote:

>From: "Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]>
>> I've run the Win32 tests again, so you can see the new results.
>One thing that I notice is that tests that are no longer in the Jamfile
>kept in the table; for example, enable_shared_from_this_test.cpp is still
>there, even though I've renamed it (the name was >31 chars.) The
>bind/mem_fn tests are listed twice, too - I've moved them to a test
>subdirectory with a subincluded Jamfile.


What happens is that until the original bin sub-directories are deleted,
the test keeps getting reported.

Because it takes a lot longer (like two hours longer) to run from scratch,
I don't delete the targets and totally rebuild unless there is some
specific reason to do so.

I can always just delete sub-directories, but only if I notice the test has
a problem.


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