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From: Howard Hinnant (hinnant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-23 09:12:04

On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 07:27 AM, John Maddock wrote:

> Subject says it all, I'm trying to figure out why the following error
> is
> showing up with the metrowerks compiler alone:
> ### mwcc Compiler:
> # In: ..\boost\regex\v4\regex_compile.hpp
> # From: ..\libs\regex\src\cregex.cpp
> # -------------------------------------
> # 1538: case traits_type::syntax_close_bracket:
> # Error: ^
> # illegal use of structured exception handling keyword outside of
> __try
> statement
> ### mwcc Compiler Error:
> # internal compiler error (please report to <cw_bug_at_[hidden]>)
> # while executing in file ExceptX86.c: 'ExX86_WriteAction' (line 528)
> # (compiling
> '?find@?$perl_matcher_at_PB$$CBDV?$allocator_at_U?$sub_match_at_PB$$CBD_at_boost@@@
> std@@
> V?$regex_traits_at_D@boost@@V?$allocator_at_D@2@@re_detail_at_boost@@QAE_NXZ' in
> 'cregex.cpp')

Well, internal compiler errors just shouldn't happen. If you could
privately send me a preprocessed file that exhibits this behavior, I'll
forward it on to the compiler team.


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