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From: Vincent Finn (vincent.finn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-03 05:00:35

> What I did was to provide a *thin* wrapper around the internal C strucs
> used by libxml2, so every dom manipulation call can be delegated down to
> libxml2. For example xpath lookup: I call libxml2's xpath API, returning
> me a C structure (possibly) holding a node set, i.e. a list of C
> nodes. I just need to map these C structs back to my C++ wrapper objects
> and I'm done with it. (Luckily for me, libxml2 provides all the hooks to
> make that lookup very efficient...)

One problem would be the licence
libxml2 is a Gnu project isn't it?
that means it's under the Gnu licence which is far more restrictive than
the boost licence

But as to doing a nice wrapper of some sort it sounds like a good idea

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