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From: Bjorn.Karlsson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-06-27 06:17:23

> From: Edward Diener [mailto:eddielee_at_[hidden]]
> More than a month ago I posted a correction to the tokenizer
> documentation
> to which no one replied:

Sorry about that.
> "The Tokenizer documentation for char_separator tokenizer
> function states
> that the default argument for the second template type is
> "char_traits<char>". This is incorrect. The source code in
> token_functions.hpp clearly shows that the default argument is
> "std::basic_string<Char>::traits_type". Could this please be
> corrected ?"

I don't think that the documentation should change (not counting the change
from char to Char), but rather the implementation.
std::basic_string<Char>::traits_type will always be std::char_traits<Char>.
If there are no objections to this (there might have been some compiler
issue that justified the code, although there's no such indication in the
CVS history), I'll change token_functions.hpp accordingly.

Thanks for the report!


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