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From: Gabriel Dos Reis (gdr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-13 11:15:02

"Ben Woodhead" <zander_at_[hidden]> writes:

| Hello
| Was this -fabi-version flag just there for testing different version or do
| users have to know about this?

The latter. It is a documented flag, primarily designed for packagers
and/or distributors.

| Could you test the compiler version and set it appropriately ABI.

Yes, you can.

| As you guys are probobly already aware of is that this
| will lead to a ton of questions (if people read enough to know the flag
| excists) and bug reports due to ABI imcompatibilities.

Yes. Unfortunately.

An executive summary is that -fabi-version is a flag designed to
compensate lack of enough testing before releasing the compiler.
Thus, users can now set which versions of bug compatibility they want.
A recipe for confusion. The alternative was to release more and more
ABI incompatible compilers.

-- Gaby

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