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From: Jonathan David Turkanis (technews_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-14 20:42:07

"Maxim Egorushkin" <e-maxim_at_[hidden]> wrote in message

> support iterators why don't use it? Generally speaking, there should
be only
> two adapters (input and output) that take any STL sequence represented by
> begin/end iterators.

It seems to me that for output one needs at least two adapters: one for
iterators which are at least forward iterators, whose constructor takes
a pair of iterators, and one for simple output iterator, whose
constructor takes a single iterator. The writing algorithm is slightly
different in the latter case.

Of course, you could force them into one class using some compile-time
switches, but this is exactly what my factories do.

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