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From: Misha Bergal (mbergal_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-17 03:32:52

> From: Misha Bergal
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:45 PM
> To: 'boost_at_[hidden]'
> Subject: RE: [boost] Re: plans for a bugfix release ?
> > Sounds fine to me. The only issue remaining is how we can
> > get the testing infrastructure to start testing RC_1_30_0. I
> > would like to see the results of a round of testing on the
> > current CVS state of that branch before we commit to a 1.30.1
> > release, just to make sure it's viable.
> Here are the results we have:
> 1.30.0 tarball:
> CVS main trunk (relative to 1.30.0 tarball):
> CVS RC_1_30_0 branch (relative to 1.30.0 tarball):
> (will be available in 9 hours)

CVS RC_1_30_0 branch results (relative to 1.30.0 tarball) are available now.


* A number of our toolsets are different from standard boost ones. They have
been patched 1) to allow the extending of them (as in the case of borland)
2) to fix the configuration problems we think boost jam files had (as in the
case of intel-7.1-stlport). We plan to make the description of changes
available from the status web pages, but haven't done it yet

* our Intel toolsets are installed to work in vc6.0 compatibility mode

* We have patched STL 4.5.3 Intel compiler make file

* We are open to suggestions regarding adding new toolsets to our tests.
Obviously it is not possible to test all configurations - so some selection
criteria needs to be set up.

Misha Bergal
MetaCommunications Engineering

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