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From: Daniel Frey (daniel.frey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-21 08:46:34

Jan Gaspar wrote:
>>3. cb_iterator: is the m_end value needed?
>> It can be computed using 'm_it == m_buff->m_last' in
>> those few (~2) places it is needed and if eliminated,
>> iterator will get smaller (by 30%) and simpler.
> Yes, the m_end member is needed. Suppose the circular_buffer is full. Then
> m_buff->m_first == m_buff->m_last. If there is no m_end variable how would you
> recognize that the iterator points to the beginning or end?

I think that by adding some more logic, it should be possible to
eliminate the m_end. The flag can be replaces by letting m_it point
behind m_buff or set it to 0. I think it's worth to test it, although
it's hard to predict the benchmark results...

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey
aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
Schloß-Rahe-Straße 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany
fon: +49 (0)241 936737-42, fax: +49 (0)241 936737-99
eMail: daniel.frey_at_[hidden], web:

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