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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-22 09:03:21

Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Peter Dimov wrote:
> [...]
>> It's not that simple. Whether something is a programming error is
>> determined by the library's specification, not vice versa. In other
>> words, under the current specification, re-locking a locked lock :-)
>> is not an error, as it is well defined. It is not a just an
>> implementation question of using assert or throw, it is a design
>> question.
> "....
> If the mutex type is PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL, deadlock detection shall
> not be provided. Attempting to relock the mutex causes deadlock. If
> a thread attempts to unlock a mutex that it has not locked or a
> mutex which is unlocked, undefined behavior results.

Double calls to pthread_mutex_lock are the equivalent of doing

scoped_lock l1(m);
scoped_lock l2(m);

This is already undefined behavior when m is boost::mutex according to the
mutex requirements; m is not required to check for deadlocks. We are
discussing the

scoped_lock l1(m);

case. Since l1 is required to know whether it's been locked or not (it has a
public locked() query) it can easily check.

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