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From: Hartmut Kaiser (hartmutkaiser_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-15 04:29:49

Brian McNamara wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 03:16:52PM -0400, Brian McNamara wrote:
> > functional programming. Over the next couple of weeks I will make
> > documentation of the boostified version of FC++ that's
> aimed at a C++
> > audience. Hopefully that will help.
> I've been working on a draft of the documentation for the
> boostified version of FC++, and it's finally reached a good
> enough state to be potentially useful to you-all. Check out

You've done a great piece of code! I've tried to understand your
articles about the differences between fcpp and boost::lambda/bind/etc.
and these (the differences) are now clear to me (to some degree :-).

OTOH I know, that there is going on serious work to merge boost::lambda
with Phoenix to overcome some well known limitations of both and to
avoid having two similar libraries in boost. Wouldn't it be nice, if
after this merger we'd get _one_ library lambda + phoenix + fcpp? Or
isn't this possible at all?

Just my 2ˆc.

Regards Hartmut

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