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From: Paul Hamilton (paul_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-21 07:52:26

Peter Dimov wrote:

> Paul Hamilton wrote:
>> [...] I propose that we change the code:
>> static const std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> emptyStr;
>> To:
>> const std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> emptyStr = "";
>> Which basically does exactly the same thing.
> = "" is not needed, it just forces a redundant strlen call (at least).
> As I
> already pointed out,
> std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> emptyStr;
> is enough; or even
> os.str(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>());
> (if it doesn't cause parser problems.)

Like this?

*** feed_args.hpp.orig Thu Aug 21 22:45:28 2003
--- feed_args.hpp Thu Aug 21 22:46:40 2003
*** 33,42 ****
   namespace {

- template<class Tr, class Ch> inline
- void empty_buf(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostringstream<Ch,Tr> & os) {
- static const std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> emptyStr;
- os.str(emptyStr);
- }
     template<class Ch, class Tr>
     void do_pad( std::basic_string<Ch,Tr> & s,
--- 33,36 ----
*** 139,143 ****
     // in order to find width
     put_head( oss_, x );
! empty_buf( oss_);

     const std::streamsize w=oss_.width();
--- 133,137 ----
     // in order to find width
     put_head( oss_, x );
! oss_.str(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>());

     const std::streamsize w=oss_.width();
*** 184,188 ****
             // either it was multi-output with first output padding up
all width..
             // either it was one big arg and we are fine.
! empty_buf( oss_);
             put_last(oss_, x );
--- 178,182 ----
             // either it was multi-output with first output padding up
all width..
             // either it was one big arg and we are fine.
! oss_.str(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>());
             put_last(oss_, x );
*** 210,214 ****

! empty_buf( oss_);
   } // end- put(..)
--- 204,208 ----

! oss_.str(std::basic_string<Ch, Tr>());
   } // end- put(..)

Paul Hamilton
pHamtec P/L - Software Makers

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