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From: Mat Marcus (mmarcus-boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-29 13:18:07

I'm finally getting around to playing with optional. A couple of

### Question 1

One of the projects that I am working on makes heavy use of
tuples/pairs and as a result tie. It appears that some of the code may
be improved by the use of optional. It is not clear to me whether I
can make it work with tie. Here's a pseudo-example:

// Assume foo and bar are classes *without* default constructors
  std::Pair<Foo, Bar> do_stuff();
  boost::optional<Foo> foo;
  boost::optional<Bar> bar;

It seems that if I want to use tie here I would have to do something
   boost::tie(*foo, *bar);

Of course for real pointers this would be akin to a null dereference
and so I expect that boost::optional would assert here. So my question
is: Is there and idiomatic way of using optional and tie together in
situations like this?

### Question 2

In another case I am trying to use optional with iterator_adaptor
(1.30.x version). Here I would like the "base" for my iterator_adaptor
to be, say, boost::optional<Baz>. The value_type is to be Baz. But
iterator_adaptor chooses the signature of the eventual iterator class
for me. As a result, clients of my iterator have to pass
::boost::optional<Baz>'s to the constructor. But I would also like
them to be able to pass plain Baz's. That is, I want a non-explicit
constructor for optional. In this case I don't have the freedom to
create another constructor to easily workaround this problem. Reading
back over the formal review threads for optional, I noticed that the
reason for the explicit constructor was to support the pointer-like
nature of optional. Right now I am questioning whether the
pointer-like semantics is worth it to me. I would probably prefer that
clients type more to test whether a value is initialized so that they
can type less to call a function that takes an optional as a parameter
when they have a value to pass in. Sorry if this has already been
covered, but here my question is: Have you experimented with a variant
of optional that drops the pointer-like semantics, allowing implicit
construction and disallowing implicit safe-bool conversion, and if so
what did you learn that made you favor the current set of tradeoffs?


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