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From: Bohdan (gejrlaug_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-06 18:57:34

"Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> At 01:00 PM 9/6/2003, Bohdan wrote:
> >... And will it ever be possible to use filesystem for
> >user-defined-filesystems
> >?
> >Ex: MS Windows registry, process list, cd images, various archive formats
> >...
> Think that through... Doesn't do much good without fstream or similar that
> can read/write into simulated filesystems, or am I missing something?

Right. Splecialized streams will be needed as well.
If boost::path contain some information about filesystem kind,
than boos::fstream can open correct stream.
  I suspect that sooner or later boost will deal with archive
files ... and filesystem/fstream looks like good candidate for dealing
with them.

  My question was inspired by "Far" file manager, which has
a lot of plugins working with real and simulated filesystems.

> Or is
> that really what you are asking for?

Yep. It was my question.

> --Beman

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